Sunday, February 17, 2019

Interview with Jodi Magness

AUDIO: Archaeologist Unveils Mosaic Art Hidden In Ancient Israel Synagogue (Sandra Averhart, WUWF88.1, NPR for Florida's Great Northwest).
Dr. Jodi Magness as been directing excavations in the ancient village of Huqoq in Israel’s Galilee, where crews discovered mosaics depicting biblical scenes and the first non-biblical story ever discovered decorating an ancient synagogue.

Sandra Averhart talks to Dr. Jodi Magness, an archeologist and scholar of religion. She will be speaking in Pensacola Sunday, Feb. 17 about her research team's discovery of mosaics in an ancient synagogue in Israel.
That's today.

For past posts on the Huqoq excavation, its ancient synagogue, and its splendid mosaics, start here and follow the many links.

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