Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Ancient bronze helmet dredged from Haifa Harbor

MARTIAL ARTIFACT: Corinthian Warrior’s helmet dated to Persian Wars found in Israel (Greek City Times). The helmet was found in the Haifa Harbor back in 2007. It is receiving attention again because the Israel Antiquities Authority recently highlighted it on Facebook.

I see that I noted the story here in 2012. It may be that it wasn't announced before that. Follow the link there for more information.

In 2017 I also noted the discovery of a lion helmet from the Punic Wars.

UPDATE: This seems like a good opportunity to mention another remarkable artifact recently discovered at Pompeii: 2,000-year-old chariot unearthed at Pompeii. It was the 'Lamborghini' of its day (Tom Metcalfe, Live Science).

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