Thursday, April 29, 2021

Jesus and Peter do Rome

ANCIENT JEW REVIEW: Rethinking Conventional Genre Categories: How the Acts of Christ and Peter in Rome Breaks the Mold (Julia Snyder).
The Acts of Christ and Peter in Rome is thus equally a story about Peter and a story about Christ, and defies classification as either “apocryphal acts” or a “gospel.” Like many other texts included in collections of Christian apocrypha, it illustrates the serious limitations of those conventional genre categories, and should prompt us to rethink their usefulness and consider other alternatives.
This is the sixth installment of a series on volume 2 of New Testament Apocrypha: More Noncanonical Scriptures (MNTA 2), ed. Tony Burke. The text under discussion is to be translated in volume 3. Links to the previous five posts are here.

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