Tuesday, September 20, 2022

More on "The Samaritans"

EXHIBITION: New museum exhibit seeks to show Samaritans are more than a biblical parable. The Samaritans: A Biblical People,' opened Sept. 16 at the Museum of the Bible and includes artifacts spanning from the second century before the Common Era to contemporary paintings made in the past couple of years (Menachem Wecker, Religion News Service).
[Steven] Fine co-curated the exhibit “The Samaritans: A Biblical People,” which opened Sept. 16 at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, and edited a new scholarly volume of the same title. He was academic adviser to the first-ever Samaritan cookbook in 2020 and to a new documentary about Samaritans by filmmaker Moshe Alafi.
An informative article.

Background here and links.

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