Monday, May 27, 2024

Hannibal was here?

PUNIC WATCH? Hidden gold earring reveals forgotten episode of Carthage-Rome war (
A gold earring found in a stash at the Iron Age site of Tossal de Baltarga in Spain has revealed what could potentially be a forgotten episode of the war between Carthage and Rome.

The jewelry piece was discovered inside a ruined building in the middle of the Pyrenees. The building is believed to have been part of a devastating fire that burned the settlement to the ground.“


So far, so good. But ...
This could be just an unexpected local fire. But the presence of a hidden gold earring indicates the anticipation by the local people of some kind of threat, likely the arrival of an enemy,” Olesti Vila said. “Also, the keeping of such a high number of animals in a little stall suggests the anticipation of danger.”
Connecting this fire with Hannibal's campaign is possible, but speculative. No one left graffiti saying "Hannibal was here." But in any case, the recovery of the gold earring is exciting.

Cross-file under Ancient Bling.

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