Sunday, July 14, 2024

Yamauchi autobiography

An Asian American Ancient Historian and Biblical Scholar by Edwin M. Yamauchi
Foreword by Stephen B. Kellough
Imprint: Resource Publications
664 Pages

Published: June 2024
$49.00 / £41.99 / AU$71.99

Published: June 2024
$49.00 / £39.00 / AU$74.00


An Asian American Ancient Historian and Biblical Scholar is not simply a memoir of Edwin M. Yamauchi. It is an expansive multi-generational story of a Japanese-American family (Issei, Nisei, Sansei) that began with immigrants from Okinawa, who used a narrow window of time (1900-1915) to emigrate to Hawaii to work on the sugar plantations there. After the suicide of his father when he was three, Edwin was raised by his mother, who knew little English, by working as a maid for twelve years. Deprived of other distractions, Edwin turned to the reading of books. From a nominal Buddhist and then a nominal Episcopalian background, Edwin was converted to Christ at the age of fifteen and determined to become a missionary. Lacking in funds, he worked his way through college. With an aptitude for languages, he earned his PhD under Cyrus Gordon. After a short stint at Rutgers University in New Jersey, he enjoyed a long career (1969-2005) at Miami University in Ohio. His memoir includes descriptions of the schools, societies, scholars, and travels of his life, as well as his witness to Christ and his role in the establishment of a campus church.

Edwin Yamauchi was a well-established scholar working in Gnosticism and related areas when I was just starting university. He is still here! He has now published a memoir.

HT Todd Bolen at the Bible Places Blog.

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