Friday, September 27, 2024

International Catacomb Society Online Event (13 October)

H-JUDAIC: 10/13: International Catacomb Society Online Panel with Recent Shohet Grant Recipients.
Join us on Oct. 13 at 1pm ET for an online panel with recent recipients of the International Catacomb Society's Shohet Scholars Grant. Panelists will discuss the research projects that were supported by the ICS grant.
  • J. Gregory Given (Harvard University), Open Letters: Ignatius of Antioch and the Reconstruction of Early Christianity
  • Rebecca Harris (Messiah University), Living in the Liminal: The Present as a Place of Access in Qumran Literature
  • Rachel Patt (Notre Dame University), Portraits and Pothos in the Premodern Mediterranean: A Work-In-Progress Update
Follow the link for more details and (free) registration information.

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