Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Conference on Jewish and Christian Perspectives on the Encounter with God

AT ST VLADIMIR'S ORTHODOX THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY: Third Annual Academic Symposium. “I Saw the Lord” (Isa 6.1): Entangled Jewish and Christian Perspectives on the Encounter with God.
Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) will hold its Third Annual Academic Symposium on November 13-15, 2024.

This year’s symposium, titled “I Saw the Lord (Isa 6.1): Entangled Jewish and Christian Perspectives on the Encounter with God,” gathers leading Orthodox Christian and Jewish scholars from around the world, who will reflect on the manner in which theophanic texts—biblical accounts of Divine Revelation to the patriarchs and prophets—have always been and remain foundational to their respective doctrinal and spiritual traditions. For more details, see the Vision Statement below.


The two keynote addresses will be available online.

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