Monday, May 13, 2024

On Coptic

BIBLE HISTORY DAILY: What Is Coptic? The language of Christian Egypt (Marek Dospěl).

Another in the useful BHD introductory series on biblical and related languages. Earlier essays are collected here (biblical Hebrew, Aramaic, and biblical Greek) and here (Akkadian).

For more on the Coptic dialects, see here. For more on the Mudil Coptic Psalter ("Pillow Psalter"), see here and link. For more on Shenoute and the White Monastery, see here and links. For many posts on the Coptic Gnostic Library from Nag Hammadi, see here and links. And for a great many additional posts on the Coptic language and Coptic literature, run "Coptic Watch" through the search engine.

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