Monday, July 22, 2024

And another review of Fine, The Madwoman in the Rabbi’s Attic

BOOK REVIEW: 'The Madwoman in the Rabbi’s Attic': Gila Fine’s fine book on women in the Talmud - review. Gila Fine’s The Madwoman in the Rabbi’s Attic reexamines Talmudic women, challenging stereotypes and offering fresh, scholarly perspectives on their roles and stories (PAM PELED, Jerusalem Post).
Fine’s delightful book The Madwoman in the Rabbi’s Attic: Rereading the Women of the Talmud is written with such a light touch as it dishes up Greek mythology and medicine, midrashim, modern movies, and everything in between, that this seemingly esoteric book is more compelling than any novel. I couldn’t put it down.
I have noted other reviews of the book here and here.

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