Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Industrial metal meets Nag Hammadi?

MUSIC: Fleischkrieg premieres ‘Eve’ video on Side-Line – Out now (Side-Line).
This is what the band [Fleischkrieg] says about the track: “The song “Eve” is based on the Gnostic tradition of Adam’s wife being the hero in the Genesis creation myth – rather than the villain. This 2nd century Christian sect revered Eve as an early incarnation of the Divine Feminine, and if it weren’t for her courage to commit “original sin” – we’d still be trapped in a genetics lab known as the Garden of Eden.

The song is sung from Adam’s point of view where he praises Eve for delivering them from the tyranny of the Elohim. Though they are “thrown out the gilded cage”, Adam asks Eve to “make the thorns our home”, a poetic nod to human resilience in the face of catastrophe.”

The music video is creative in a metal sort of way. It has just about everything you could imagine. But apart from the opening quote from the Apocalypse of Adam, I struggle to see any direct influence from ancient Gnosticism.

Neverthless, duly noted as on some level inspired by it and the Nag Hammadi Library. For other musical inspirations see here, here, here, and here. Like the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi Library has become a kind of cultural icon.

For more on ancient and esoteric themes in metal music, see the links collected here.

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