Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Inscribed ostracon from turn of the era excavated at Sartaba-Alexandrium

NORTHWEST SEMITIC EPIGRAPHY WATCH: Archeologists decipher 2,000-year-old Aramaic inscription in Israel. Experts use new scanning methods and AI analysis to inscription found on Second Temple era pottery shard mentioning 'Eleazar bar Ger' (Ynet News).
Researchers have deciphered a 2,000-year-old Aramaic inscription on a pottery shard discovered at the Alexandrium Fortress (Sartaba) in the Jordan Valley. The text reads: “Eleazar bar Ger… from Beit Akiman.” Bar-Ilan University scholars analyzed and deciphered the inscription using advanced imaging technology developed by Jerusalem’s Azrieli College of Engineering.


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