Saturday, February 01, 2025

Morrison, Retribution in Chronicles (Mohr Siebeck)

Neil J. Morrison

Retribution in Chronicles

Ideology and Reality

[Vergeltung im Buch der Chroniken. Ideologie und Realität.]
2025. XII, 230 pages.
Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2. Reihe (FAT II) 155
including VAT

sewn paper

Also Available As:
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Neil J. Morrison seeks to clarify the nature and purpose of the theme of divine retribution in Chronicles. He contends that retribution represents a malleable motif which serves the ideological purpose of fostering religious commitment and bolstering the status of the Second Temple. Nevertheless, the outworking of retribution in the narrative has been constrained by other ideological commitments and the exigencies of the contemporary world. For example, the divine provision of the temple and God's irrevocable commitment to Israel often overshadow retribution. Similarly, the uncertainties of the late-Persian or early-Hellenistic setting necessitated a more flexible approach to retribution, underscoring the importance of human activity rather than waiting upon divine intervention. This theory explains how retribution serves a didactic purpose without representing a systematic theological dogma.

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