Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Review of Caputo & Lougovaya (eds.), Using ostraca in the ancient world

BRYN MAYR CLASSICAL REVIEW: Using ostraca in the ancient world. New discoveries and methodologies.
Clementina Caputo, Julia Lougovaya, Using ostraca in the ancient world. New discoveries and methodologies. Materiale Textkulturen, 32. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2021. Pp. vi, 245. ISBN 9783110712865 $91.99.

Review by
Sofia Torallas Tovar, University of Chicago. sofiat@uchicago.edu

The volume includes an article on the Aramaic ostraca from Elephantine. It is good that they are getting some attention. They tend to be ignored in favor of the Aramaic papyri. For more on Elephantine island and its ancient Aramaic and other inscribed objects, see here (arguably), here, here, here, and many links.

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