Sunday, March 20, 2022

Review of Arcari, Vedere Dio

BRYN MAYR CLASSICAL REVIEW: Vedere Dio: le apocalissi giudaiche e protocristiane (IV sec. a.C.-II sec. d.C.).
Luca Arcari, Vedere Dio: le apocalissi giudaiche e protocristiane (IV sec. a.C.-II sec. d.C.). Frecce, 291. Roma: Carocci Editore, 2020. Pp. 442. ISBN 9788843098507 €39,00.

Review by
Luigi Walt, Universität Regensburg.

... In other words, what Arcari wants to underline is the cognitive, emotional, and social value of these ancient visionary accounts, namely the fact that such texts could function as formidable tools for organizing the world as well as instruments for propaganda, aimed at constructing religious identities which were in competition but also in dialogue with each other.

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