Monday, August 07, 2023

Ship-protection talisman found near Israeli beach

ANOTHER APOTROPAIC ARTIFACT: A rare 2,500-year-old marble disc, designed to protect ancient ships and ward off the evil eye discovered near Palmachim Beach ( Leman Altuntaş, Arkeonews).
The Israel Antiquities Authority announced from social media on July 18 that the object the lifeguard turned over was a 2,500-year-old, eye-shaped marble disc that was attached to ships to ward off the evil eye.

Experts say the relic, found during a dive by lifeguard David Shalom at the Yavne-Yam archaeological site near Palmachim Beach, dates back to the 5th to 4th centuries BC.

The Facebook announcement is here.

The object was found underwater. So much for ship protection.

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