Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Another $7M ruling for Hobby Lobby against Obbink

THE ETC BLOG: Court Rules that Obbink Owes Hobby Lobby $7m (Peter Gurry).
The news is out that the civil case between Hobby Lobby and Dirk Obbink has been decided. The ruling is a “default judgment” in favor of Hobby Lobby for an incredible $7,085,100 plus interest. (A default judgment means that the defendant never showed up to court.) Keep in mind, this is a civil case not a criminal case. ...
There was already a default judgment for $7 million against Obbink from a New York federal court back in 2021. I noted a Christianity Today article giving details here. This post also has links to earlier posts on the Oxford missing-papyri scandal.

For some reason I don't understand, the case was moved to an Oklahoma court. It just issued this ruling. Peter Gurry links to a post at the Art Crime Blog by Lynda Albertson which gives details on it, but does not refer, as far as I can tell, to the 2021 ruling.

I am not a lawyer and, as I said, I don't understand what is happening. But now you know as much as I do.

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