Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Karla & Konstan (trans.), Life of Aesop the Philosopher (SBL)

Life of Aesop the Philosopher

Grammatiki A. Karla; David Konstan, translator

ISBN 9781628373271
Volume WGRW 50
Status Available
Publication Date May 2024

Hardback $65.00
eBook $45.00
Paperback $45.00

The Life of Aesop the Philosopher, an anonymous Greek literary work, presents one version of the novelistic biography of Aesop, which dates to the fourth to fifth century CE. In this volume, Grammatiki A. Karla offers an extended introduction to the Life of Aesop in general, the history of the textual tradition, and the MORN manuscript family and its relationship to other versions and papyrus fragments. She then presents a new edition of the late antique version (MORN) alongside David Konstan’s English translation. A commentary addresses editorial choices and focuses on words and phrases that are of interest for the history of the Greek language.

Aesop, known especially for his fables, appears in the Greek Classical tradition. But one section of his biography derives from the Story of Ahiqar, which the Jewish apocryphal tradition also adopted. See the introduction to this volume.

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