Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Review of Brenk (ed. Lanzillotta), Plutarch on literature, Graeco-Roman religion, Jews and Christians

BRYN MAYR CLASSICAL REVIEW: Plutarch on literature, Graeco-Roman religion, Jews and Christians.
Frederick E. Brenk, Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta, Plutarch on literature, Graeco-Roman religion, Jews and Christians. Brill's Plutarch studies, 11. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2023. Pp. xxiv, 338. ISBN 9789004531956.

Review by
Inger N. I. Kuin, University of Virginia.

... Reading through the collection of articles from beginning to end once again brings home the inspiring, impressive, and exemplary nature of Brenk’s scholarship. Following his example means to always read Plutarch’s works as literature, with attention to plot, characterization, and rhetorical devices, and to fully understand the author as rooted in the highly complex religious and philosophical landscape of the Roman Empire of the first and second centuries CE.

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