Tuesday, March 25, 2025

A pyramid and scroll fragments excavated in Judean Desert

ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE AND SCROLL BITS! Archaeologists discover massive 2,200-year-old pyramid in Judean Desert. Experts uncover a massive pyramid-shaped structure, ancient papyrus documents and rare artifacts from Hellenistic-era rule in southern Israel, shedding new light on the region’s history Yaron Drukman, Ynet News).
A massive pyramid-shaped structure and a roadside station dating back approximately 2,200 years — to the era of the Ptolemaic and Seleucid rulers in Judea — are being unearthed north of Nahal Zohar in the Judean Desert. The excavation, led by the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Heritage Ministry, includes volunteers from across the country.

At the Zohar Fortress site, near the Dead Sea, archaeologists have discovered fragments of written papyrus documents, bronze coins from the reign of Antiochus IV and Ptolemaic kings, weapons, wooden artifacts and pieces of fabric.

Wow. This excavation is just getting started and it's already producing exciting discoveries. I look forward to hearing more. If you are in the area, they are recruiting volunteers.

A smaller Maccabean-era pyramid has been excavated at Khirbet Madras (Hirbet Madras, Horvat Midras) near Jerusalem. It appears to be a tomb. I don't know if the Nahal Zohar has the same function.

It sounds like this project is part of what was once called Operation Scroll (scroll down to links).

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