This is a guide to ethnographic passages from Alexander Polyhistor’s (early to mid-first century BCE) works on this website, as well as a separate outline of noteworthy passages from his ethnographic works generally. All fragments or citations of his works (F#) are from FGrHist 273 (link to FGrHist).
The first-century BCE historian Alexander Polyhistor compiled an impressive collection of quotations and information from earlier, now lost, works. Unfortunately, his works are lost too. They only survive in quotations from later authors. Still, what is left preserves much of interest.
These include passages on ancient Israel and ancient Judaism, as well as an excerpt from the Babyloniaca, a compendium of Babylonian religious traditions written in Greek by Berossus, an early Hellenistic, Babylonian-Chaldean priest of Bel.
For more on the Ethnic Relations and Migrations blog, see here and here and links.
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