Sunday, April 30, 2006

DA VINCI CODE "DEBATE": I probably have already linked to this A.P. article by Richard N. Ostling, but since every newspaper on earth seems to be printing it in advance of the movie release, I'll note it (again?) here:
With movie due, 'Da Vinci' debate persists

Associated Press

A line from Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" tells you why it's easily the most disputed religious novel of all time: "Almost everything our fathers taught us about Christ is false."

With 46 million copies in print, "Da Vinci" has long been a headache for Christian scholars and historians, who are worried about the influence on the faith from a single source they regard as wrong-headed.

I'm not sure I'd say there's been a "debate," exactly, since no one is actually defending the silly historical distortions in the book. (Ostling may not be responsible for the headline.) But there's been lots of talk and lots of noting of the countless errors in the book. Anyhow, the movie premiers worldwide on 17-19 May. I'm going on the 22nd with some other St. Mary's College people and I'll let you know what I think.