Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Reviews of NYC DSS exhibit

THE NYC DEAD SEA SCROLLS EXHIBITION is reviewed by Alex Joffe in Jewish Ideas Daily: The Dead Sea Scrolls, Alive in Times Square.

Discovery Times Square might seem like an unlikely place for this exhibit; indeed, putting ancient Jewish sectarian religious documents in such a venue, rather than a staid setting like the Metropolitan Museum uptown, may even seem gauche. But in fact, nothing could be more logical than finding the biblical past at the crossroads of America's family-friendly tourism and entertainment center. The biblical world and the Dead Sea Scrolls have escaped the prison of high culture and now appear alongside an exhibit on the forensic sciences and the popular television show CSI.
UPDATE: Another review, this one in the Washington Times: Dead Sea Scrolls and ancient Israel artifacts debut in NYC.

UPDATE: Joseph Lauer alerts me to two more reviews of the exhibit:

Dead Sea Scrolls on display in Times Square, by Sergey Kadinsky in the Jewish Star

Review of Discovery Time Square’s Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit, by Jeffrey García at the Helek Tov blog.