Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Aramaic-speaking-Christian unity

MODERN ARAMAIC WATCH: Chaldean, Assyrian, Syriac unity pivotal to survival of Iraqi Christians (Natasha Dado, Arab American News).
DETROIT — “To the Chaldean and Assyrian community of Michigan, enough with the division,” said Noor Mattr, a young Iraqi Christian activist at a rally for Iraq’s religious minorities in August. “You will never agree on everything. However, I beg you guys to unite for the sake of our people back home. Our survival back home depends on your unity here.”

Many Chaldean, Assyrian and Syriacs agree with Mattr’s message of unity and believe the future of Iraq’s Christians depends on it.

"If we do not unite now, say goodbye to our history,” said Olivia, a local Chaldean who chose not to use her real name. “No more of our history. No more Chaldeans, Assyrians and Syriacs."


Chaldeans, Assyrians and Syriacs are all the indigenous peoples of Iraq and Christians who speak Aramaic— the language of Christ.

They all trace their roots back to the Nineveh plains of northern Iraq and a time long before the establishment of the Republic of Iraq.

Background here and links.