Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Psalms of Solomon 11

READING ACTS: Sound the Trumpet in Zion – Psalm of Solomon 11.
Psalm of Solomon 11 seems to be solid evidence that a biblically literate Second Temple Jewish listener would hear echoes of Isaiah 40-55. This is a call to Jewish captives in far distant lands to return to Zion at the end of the Exile. Although it cannot be said Jesus is using Psalm of Solomon 11, he certainly stands within the same traditional as this psalmist as he interprets Isaiah 40-55 (and his messianic role as the one calling Israel to gather around himself).
Another installment in Phil Long's current summer series on the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. Past posts in the series, including many on the Psalms of Solomon, have been noted here and links.

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