Thursday, August 02, 2018

Proposal for another Masada movie

CINEMA PITCH: Shira Geffen unveils family drama set in Israel's Masada plateau (MELANIE GOODFELLOW, ScreenDaily).
Cannes regular Shira Geffen, whose debut feature Jellyfish won the festival’s Camera d’Or for first films in 2007, has launched financing on her third feature A Responsible Adult, a coming-of-age tale set against the backdrop of Israel’s mythical Masada plateau.

The plot is set in the present, but ...
Geffen has also intertwined Masada’s historical connotations – as the site of the famous siege of Masada in which Jewish rebels resisted Roman soldiers before committing suicide rather than be captured – into the screenplay.
That, of course, could mean just about anything. We'll see if the proposal attracts supporters.

Other Masada films (miniseries) have been discussed here and links.

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