Sunday, October 20, 2019

More on the Phoenicia's new voyage and Phoenicians in the Americas

BIBLE HISTORY DAILY: Phoenicians Sailing to the New World. Did Phoenicians beat Christopher Columbus to the Americas by thousands of years? (Jonathan Laden). As I've said before, it's possible. But there is no credible evidence that they did.

This BHD essay notes the new expedition of the Good Ship Phoenicia in the direction of the Americas to try to establish that such a voyage was possible in an ancient Phoenician ship. I wish them a safe and successful journey.

I noted the expedition here, with links to past posts on why I am not convinced of the authenticity of supposedly ancient Phoenician and Hebrew inscriptions in the New World. The BHD essay adds additional evidence for skepticism. Cross-file under Phoenician Watch and New World Forgeries.

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