Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Series on the Seven Seals

AT READING ACTS, Phil Long is posting an ongoing series on the Seven Seals in the Book of Revelation:

A Rider on a White Horse – Revelation 6:1*

A Rider on a Red Horse – Revelation 6:3-4

A Rider on a Black Horse – Revelation 6:5-6

A Rider on a Pale Horse – Revelation 6:7-8

The Fifth Seal: Martyrs in Heaven – Revelation 6:9-11

The Sixth Seal – Revelation 6:12-17

Who Are The 144,000 in Revelation 7?

*Pardon me - I missed the link to this post from two years ago, which was in the post on Rev 6:3-4 linked to above. Thanks to reader Robert Schwartz for pointing it out.

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