Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Wevers Institute for LXX Studies: online course and YouTube channel

THE JOHN WILLIAMS WEVERS INSTITUTE FOR SEPTUAGINT STUDIES at Trinity Western University now has a YouTube channel. Reader Jean Maurais e-mails:
I was wondering if you could add a mention in your blog of the recent creation of Youtube channel for the Wevers Institute? As a first foray, the institute has posted a video interview of Dirk Büchner concerning his upcoming course which is offered via live-streaming. The course title is Septuagint Approaches and Methods, and is held on May 4-8, 2020. Other details are available in the video description.

The video interview is here: https://youtu.be/giB3jLuWwos

Subscription to the Institute's channel is encouraged for those who would like to be notified of future updates: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcNJsVlhf5SSyuAJgxEF8cw

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