Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Reviews of Edmonds, Drawing Down the Moon

BRYN MAYR CLASSICAL REVIEW has published two reviews of this book:

Drawing down the moon: magic in the ancient Greco-Roman world
Radcliffe G. Edmonds III, Drawing down the moon: magic in the ancient Greco-Roman world. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019. xiii, 474 p. ISBN 9780691156934 $45.00.

Review by
Jack Lennon, School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester. jjpl1@le.ac.uk
In Drawing Down the Moon, Edmonds has produced an extensive, engaging and, crucially, accessible overview which is likely to establish itself quickly as essential reading for anyone seeking to learn more about the vast array of topics that fall under the sweeping category of magic.
Drawing down the moon: magic in the ancient Greco-Roman world
Radcliffe G. Edmonds III, Drawing down the moon: magic in the ancient Greco-Roman world. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019. xiii, 474 p. ISBN 9780691156934 $45.00.

Review by
Thomas Galoppin, (MAP - 741182)—PLH-ERASME (EA 4601)—Université Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès. thomas.galoppin@univ-tlse2.fr
Drawing Down the Moon can be recommended as an updated gateway into ancient “magic” for English-speaking academic and public readers.
Cross-file under New Book.

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