Monday, July 06, 2020

Enochic Art

EXHIBITION: Enoch: Heaven’s Messenger. An exhibition of twelve paintings on 1 Enoch and an illuminated model of an Ethiopian church by Angus Pryor. Philip Esler has e-mailed to alert us to this on-site (in due course) and (currently) virtual exhibition. He writes:
This is just a note, given your interest in 1 Enoch, to let you know that a colleague of mine at the University of Gloucestershire, Angus Pryor, head of our School of Arts and a practicing artist, has over the last few years painted twelve 2m x 2m paintings on scenes from 1 Enoch and created a large-scale, illuminated model of an Ethiopian church. This is the outcome of a collaboration that Angus and I have been working on since 2015, beginning in a British Academy funded program the results of which were published as The Blessing of Enoch: 1 Enoch and Contemporary Theology in 2017.

These works were going to be exhibited in Gloucester and Canterbury Cathedrals in May and September 2020, but those dates were vacated due to Covid-19.

But, as of 3 July 2020, we have taken the exhibition, Enoch: Heaven’s Messenger, online at:

I hope you will be able to see it and enjoy it. If you feel like telling others about it, that would be greatly appreciated.

We also have an article on the whole project coming out in the Biblical Theology Bulletin in August 2020: Philip Esler and Angus Pryor, ‘Painting 1 Enoch: Biblical Interpretation, Theology and Artistic Practice.’
Cross-file under Old Testament Pseudepigrapha Watch and Decorative Art.

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