Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Talmud-translator Isidore Epstein (1894-1962)

TALMUD WATCH: Remembering Rabbi Dr. Isidore Epstein, Jewish philosopher and thinker. He wrote voluminously. When he retired and we wanted to honor him by means of a bibliography of his writings, he couldn’t remember all that he had written (Raymond Apple, Jerusalem Post).
Sixty years ago last week, on December 27, 1960, Marian and I stood under the huppah (wedding canopy) at the Bayswater Synagogue, London, to be married by her father, Rabbi Joseph Unterman. Her unterfirers (escorts to the huppah) were her parents; mine were Rabbi Dr. Isidore Epstein, principal of Jews’ College, and his wife.


Dr. Epstein was a diminutive man with a giant mind. Born in Hungary, he had come to England in his youth, and the rabbinic ordinations he earned included one from Rav Abraham Isaac Kook, who had been stranded in London because of World War I. Epstein (the students sometimes called him Eppie) was said to know the whole Talmud by heart. Only a man like that could have edited the 36-volume Soncino Talmud, the first full translation of the Babylonian Talmud into English.

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