Saturday, April 17, 2021

9 Facts about Hannibal

PUNIC WATCH: Hannibal Barca: 9 Facts About The Great General’s Life & Career. One of the greatest generals ever seen, Hannibal Barca, crossed the Alps and almost brought Rome to its knees. Hannibal of Carthage was one of Rome’s greatest but most respected enemies (Edd Hodsdon, The Collector). A good summary of the life of Hannibal and the course of the Second Punic War.

For PaleoJudaica posts on Hannibal and his remarkably military campaign against Rome, see here, here, here, and links. For posts on the Battle of Cannae, see here and links.

Now and then I link to this post, which explains why PaleoJudaica pays attention to the Phoenicians, the Phoenician language, the Carthaginians, and Punic and Neo-Punic.

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