Friday, September 17, 2021

The Cartagena Festival 2021

PUNIC WATCH: Cartagena, Spain, is celebrating its annual Romans and Carthaginians Festival from today through 26 September.

Cartagena was a Punic town founded in the third century B.C.E. For more on its historical importance, notably in the Second Punic War, see here. Follow the links from there for more on the archaeology of the site and notices of past festivals.

The festival doesn't seem to be very visible in the current news. But the Cartagena Museum is offering free entry through 30 September. And a (pictured) ancient graffito from Cartagena figures in a story about an intriguing bit of "pop culture" Greek poetry.

Now and then I like to include this link to explain why PaleoJudaica is interested in Phoenician and Punic matters.

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