Monday, November 08, 2021

Barbiero et al. (eds.), The Formation of the Hebrew Psalter (Mohr Siebeck)

NEW BOOK FROM MOHR SIEBECK: The Formation of the Hebrew Psalter. The Book of Psalms Between Ancient Versions, Material Transmission and Canonical Exegesis. Edited by Gianni Barbiero, Marco Pavan, and Johannes Schnocks. 2021. IX, 454 pages. Forschungen zum Alten Testament 151.154,00 € including VAT. cloth ISBN 978-3-16-160847-6.
Published in English.
This volume, which is based on the papers given at a panel at the 2019 SBL International Meeting in Rome, represents current discourses in Psalms research. The past decades have been marked by the paradigm shift from form criticism to different exegetical approaches which consider the Book of Psalms as the literary context of the individual Psalms. More recently, it has been pointed out that the complex evidence given by the manuscripts from antiquity to the Middle Ages does not support the notion of a fixed canonical text as presupposed by some approaches. The present volume combines contributions about such basic considerations with studies of individual groups of Psalms. With different methodological and hermeneutical approaches, they open up perspectives on the interrelation between the origin, composition and reception of the Psalms.

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