Thursday, November 18, 2021

The Hidden Birth of Jesus in the Ascension of Isaiah

ANCIENT JEW REVIEW: Special Delivery: The Hidden Birth of Jesus in the Ascension of Isaiah 11 (Emily Gathergood).
I’d like to offer here a brief introduction to the prophet Isaiah’s mystical vision of the incarnation of the divine Son in chapter 11, which is attentive to this cosmological framing. I want to highlight that the narrative of Jesus’ birth is deeply embedded within, and profoundly shaped by, the book’s over-arching motif of hiddenness. Just as the Beloved One’s descent through the heavens is a hidden descent, in order to hide his true identity from his opponents, so also the Beloved One’s birth is a hidden birth.
This is the fourth in a BRANE Forum series on the Ascension of Isaiah. For the earlier essays see here and links.

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