Tuesday, March 01, 2022

BMCR reviews The Cambridge Greek Lexicon

BRYN MAYR CLASSICAL REVIEW: The Cambridge Greek lexicon.
James Diggle, Bruce Fraser, Patrick James, Oliver Simkin, Anne Thompson, Simon Westripp, The Cambridge Greek lexicon. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. 1529 in 2 volumes. ISBN 9780521826808 $84.99.

Review by
Luuk Huitink, University of Amsterdam. l.huitink@uva.nl
Arjan Nijk, University of Leiden. arjannijk@hotmail.com

A long and detailed review. It concludes:
All in all, CGL is a pleasure to use due to its attractive presentation (both on the outside and on the inside), its contemporary translations, the wealth of information it provides concerning usage, and the fresh insight it provides in the semantic structure of certain key concepts in Greek culture. It will no doubt become a standard work of reference for students throughout the world and it will save scholars a trip to the fuller LSJ or Montanari for most quotidian purposes. However, some unfortunate decisions in coverage, together with its somewhat experimental approach to lexicography, make it a flawed colossus.
For previous PaleoJudaica posts on the Cambridge Greek lexicon, see the links collected here.

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