Friday, June 10, 2022

Everyday life for the Babylonian exiles

THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST TODAY: Everyday Life in Exile: Judean Deportees in Babylonian Texts (Tero Alstola).
All the Babylonian texts discussed above are legal and administrative documents that were written by Babylonian scribes. They allow a detailed study of the socioeconomic status of Judeans and an investigation of the Babylonian and Persian policies towards them. At the same time, questions related to religion, identity, and exilic experience remain mostly unanswered.
I noted a review of Dr. Alstola's book, Judeans in Babylonia, here. And for many posts on the (unprovenanced) Babylonian-Jewish cuneiform archive of Al-Yahudu, start there (cf. here) and follow the links.

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