Wednesday, November 09, 2022

A tunnel to Cleopatra's tomb? Maybe.

EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLGYArcheologists hope tunnel under Egyptian temple leads to long-lost tomb of Cleopatra. Uncovered tunnel, located more than 13 meters underground, has been described by Egyptian authorities as a ‘geometric miracle’ (Tobias Siegal, Times of Israel).
Archeologists in Egypt have uncovered a vast underground tunnel near the city of Alexandria, and hope it may lead them to the long-lost tomb of Egypt’s last pharaoh and possibly its most famous ruler, Queen Cleopatra VII.
This sounds like the logline for a new Mummy movie.

Be that as it may, I hope something interesting comes of the the discovery. Presumably the tunnel was built to lead to something.

For PaleoJudaica posts on Queen Cleopatra VII (the Cleopatra) and on the excavation at Taposiris Magna, start here and follow the links.

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