Saturday, February 04, 2023

Tanit at Ibiza

PUNIC WATCH: Tanit, Ibiza's mythical goddess. Tanit, Ibiza's moon goddess and protector, dedicated to love, fertility, creativity and dance (Will McKenzie, Ibiza Spotlight). Cross-file under Tourism.

For PaleoJudaica posts on Tanit (Tannit), the "snake lady," a Punic and perhaps Phoenician goddess, see here and links. As I have noted before, her name seems to be cognate with the Hebrew word tannin, "sea monster."

If you get bored with partying on your Ibiza trip, you can visit the sites of a couple of Tanit sanctuaries. One is now a cathedral and the other is a (now empty) cave.

For more on Punic remains at Ibiza, see here. And for Ibiza's connection to an apocryphal chain letter from Jesus (yes, really), see here.

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