Sunday, April 23, 2023

Screnock & Olivero, A Grammar of Ugaritic (SBL)

A Grammar of Ugaritic

John Screnock, Vladimir Olivero

ISBN 9781628374513
Volume RBS 102
Status Available
Publication Date November 2022
Paperback $35.00
Hardback $55.00
eBook $35.00

A Grammar of Ugaritic is an accessible yet academically rigorous textbook for first-year students of Ugaritic. Eight digestible lessons include more than 150 exercises to strengthen readers’ understanding through translation and composition of not only vocalized Ugaritic but also transcribed texts and cuneiform script—strategies that develop language skills and provide a sound basis for classroom teaching. Short stories interspersed among the lessons help students consolidate their knowledge and bolster recognition of forms. An introduction to the language and its historical context, glossaries, paradigms, and a bibliography and guide for further learning supplement the lessons. Students who work through the grammar in the classroom or individually will be rewarded with the ability to read real Ugaritic texts in cuneiform.

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