Thursday, May 18, 2023

On the Queen of Sheba legend

AUDIO (but with a substantial article too): The shapeshifting Queen of Sheba: legends, facts and fictions. Ideas about gender and power have shifted in each retelling of the Queen of Sheba's life, say experts (Pauline Holdsworth, CBC Radio).
Debates over the Queen of Sheba have roiled for centuries. Was she a human or a djinn? A wise woman or a temptress? And — given the lack of archaeological evidence — was she a real historical figure, or a figment of multiple imaginations?
For many PaleoJudaica posts about and involving the Queen of Sheba, start here and just keep following those links. For more on the Kebra Negast, see here. For more on the Queen's hairy legs, see here.

To update the filmography, Amazon's 2022 movie, Three Thousand Years of Longing, with Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba, includes a hairy-legged Queen of Sheba as a character.

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