Monday, June 12, 2023

The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri at Ninety (De Gruyter, open access)

The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri at Ninety
Literature, Papyrology, Ethics

Edited by: Garrick Vernon Allen , Usama Ali Mohamed Gad , Kelsie Gayle Rodenbiker , Anthony Philip Royle and Jill Unkel
Volume 10 in the series Manuscripta Biblica

About this book

Open Access

Despite the significant work carried out on the text, transmission, materiality, and scribal habits preserved in the Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri since their acquisition by Beatty ninety years ago in 1931, these early copies of Jewish scripture and the New Testament have, for the most part, belonged primarily to textual critics. The goal of this book is to resituate this important collection of manuscripts in broader contexts, examining their significance in conversation with papyrology as a discipline, in the context of other ancient literary traditions preserved on papyri, and in discussion with the intellectual and cultural history of collecting, colonialism, and scholarly rhetoric. The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri, and other papyrological collection with which they are inextricably bound, remind us of the critical value of examining old manuscripts afresh in their historical, scholarly, and intellectual contexts. These studies are relevant for all scholars who work with manuscripts and ancient texts of any variety.

HT the AWOL Blog.

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