Tuesday, September 19, 2023

A new translation of P

ANCIENT JEW REVIEW: Displaying The Literary Artistry of P (Liane Feldman).
The Consuming Fire: The Complete Priestly Source, from Creation to the Promised Land. UC Press, 2023.

... Lest this project begin to sound like a gathering of esoteric academic arguments (which in a way it is), I should say that I had a strong secondary agenda in creating this translation. I wanted to make this text accessible to a broad audience. Put simply: I wanted the language and the ideas to work for an undergraduate classroom or make sense to a non-academic audience. After all, to my mind P is first and foremost a story. It should be able to be read as such. ...

An ambitious and interesting attempt to reconstruct and translate the full surviving text of the Pentateuchal Priestly source (P).

Cross-file under New Book.

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