Monday, October 23, 2023

A gateway of Cyrus found at Persepolis?

PESEPOLIS WATCH: Royal wall unearthed in Persepolis (Tehran Times).
Adorned with striking glazed bricks, the astonishing structure, also referred to as the Gate of Cyrus, is constructed entirely from a combination of bricks and tiles. It spans an impressive 40 meters in length, and 10 meters in width, and boasts a substantial thickness of five meters.


Also covered by Iran International: Ancient Wall Exposed At Persepolis ‘Gate of Cyrus. Both HT the Bible Places Blog.

While we're on the subject of Cyrus, a new statue of him is being dedicated in Atlanta this coming Saturday: Cyrus the Great Statue Unveiling (Global Atlanta).

For many PaleoJudaica posts on Persepolis, the ancient Achemenid ceremonial capital city, see here and links. For many posts on Cyrus the Great, the Cyrus Cylinder, etc., see here and links.

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