Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Codex Sassoon is still "coming home."

WHAT, IT'S NOT THERE YET? Ancient Codex Sassoon gets send-off at Sotheby's before trip to Israel. The most complete ancient Hebrew bible, that sold at auction for $38.1 million, is coming home; 'The Jewish people returned to their homeland and now this book of truth is returning to its country' (Yehonatan Bnaya, Ynet News).
What a send-off! Just before the Codex Sassoon - the oldest complete copy of the Hebrew Bible – arrives at its permanent home in Israel, the ANU Museum of the Jewish People held a special event at Sotheby's in New York City on Tuesday night in honor of the manuscript. Along with the excited museum staff, Israel's ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan and a guest from the United Arab Emirates also came to see the ancient Bible.
I thought it was already in Israel.
The complete journey of the ancient Bible from southern Syria to Israel will be published in the coming days on Ynet.
Background here and links.

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