Thursday, November 02, 2023

AJR is still thinking about the Roman Empire

ANCIENT JEW REVIEW: Materials That Make Difference (Sarah E. Rollens).
Nicola Denzey Lewis. The Early Modern Invention of Late Antique Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.

... Though I will offer a basic overview of the book’s main goal, I want to focus my review closely on her discussion of the so-called Jewish catacombs. The case of the Jewish catacombs exemplifies how scholars of the ancient world have long worked with undertheorized ideas about religious identities, religious communities, and the relationship between material culture and lived religion, among other things. Denzey Lewis’ even-handed interrogation of this particular example underscores the need for more sophisticated, theoretically informed, treatments of ancient religion. ...

I guess this is a review series. I noted the first review of the book here.

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