Thursday, November 09, 2023

Fixed-term job in Rabbinics & Classical Judaism at Vanderbilt

H-JUDAIC: FEATURED JOB: Visiting Assistant Professor of Rabbinics and Classical Judaism, Vanderbilt University.

The Department of Jewish Studies seeks a Visiting Assistant Professor with expertise in Rabbinics and Classical Judaism. The successful candidate should be able to teach Introduction to Judaism and survey or thematic courses on post-Second Temple Judaism, Jewish law, or the Talmud. We are especially interested in scholars who bring interdisciplinary approaches to traditional texts, including but not limited to religious studies, gender and sexuality studies, disability studies, environmental studies, and legal studies.

This non-tenure-track position is for a two-year term with a 3-2 teaching load. Deadline for the applications is January 7, 2024.


Follow the link for further particulars.

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