Tuesday, April 09, 2024

A Database of Post-2002 Dead Sea Scroll-like Fragments

UNIVERSITY OF ADGER: A Database of Post-2002 Dead Sea Scroll-like Fragments Version 1.0. Produced by Ludvik A. Kjeldsberg; Årstein Justnes; and Hilda Deborah.
Since 2002, more than a hundred "new" Dead Sea Scroll fragments have appeared on the antiquities market. Most of these fragments are tiny and deteriorated and have later been revealed as modern forgeries. Nonetheless, they have been big business. In this database, we have catalogued all of them, providing information about their content, owners, alleged provenance, their place in the biblical corpus, size, and publication history. (2023-09-01)
HT Todd Bolen at the Bible Places Blog.

For PaleoJudaica posts on the post-2002 Dead Sea Scrolls-like fragments, see here and links, plus here and here.

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