Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Herodium region declared "State Land"

POLITICS AND ARCHAEOLOGY: Israel appropriates 42 acres in West Bank’s Etzion Bloc, declaring it state land. Gush Etzion mayor hails move that will allow tourism development at Herodium site; Smotrich orders demolition of three illegal Palestinian buildings over terror shooting (JEREMY SHARONand SAM SOKOL, Times of Israel).
Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich announced Monday that the Civil Administration, an agency in the Defense Ministry, has declared 170 dunams (42 acres) of land surrounding the Herodium archaeological site in the West Bank region of the Etzion Bloc as “state land,” meaning land that is not privately owned and can be used for various purposes, including settlement development.


As you might imagine, reaction to this development is mixed.

For many PaleoJudaica posts on Herod the Great's palace-fortress, Herodium, and its excavation, start here and follow the links. For the archaeology of the Gush Etzion region more generally, see here and links, plus here and links, here, and here.

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